Britain is province of Iran

Britain is in its post BREXIT era. It is very critical moment in History of Britain. I made Theresa May Prime Minister of Britain after I led Britain to victory in BREXIT referendum. I made Boris Johnson Prime Minister of Britain afterward. I was in Tehran Iran when I won BREXIT in 2016. I also made Boris Johnson Prime Minister of Britain when I was in Tehran Iran in 2019. I also closed down British House of Commons in 2019 to force BREXIT. They attributed it their Queen on The News. But I closed down The House of Commons. I made BREXIT happen. We still have very good relations with Britain. But unfortunately Britain took Iranian Grace 1 Ship in Gibraltar. It was appeared as American sabotage move. It greatly harmed Iran and Britain relation. It was similar to case of Ukraine after I overthrew Britain and Ukraine. Ukrainian Aircraft was shot down by America. It harmed relations of Iran and Ukraine. After Britain took Iranian ship it harmed relations of Iran and Britain. Britain and Iran must improve relations. Britain and Iran must cooperate while ensuring Iran has all the advantages. Iran and Britain must improve their cooperations and alliances while ensuring Iran has all the advantages. Britain had taken Iranian ship Grace 1 in Panama. Britain must give control of Gibraltar Strait to Iran. Gibraltar Strait is province and territory of Iran. Gibraltar is province of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is The Government. The Name of Unified Empire is Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I lead with Ayatollah Khamenei The Supreme Leader of Iran and Ayatollah Raisi President of Iran. Britain must give full control and ownership of Gibraltar to Iran. Iran is allowed to stop all ships and all transit at all times. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can ask for more things. Iran can still stop all transits at all times even after being payed. Gibraltar belongs to Iran. Iran cannot lose, sell, trade, transfer, give away, or lose control of Gibraltar by any mean. Iran permanently owns Gibraltar. Britain and others must give control of Gibraltar to Iran today. If Britain does not give Gibraltar to Iran we will give independence to Ireland, Welles, and Scotland. England, Welles, Scotland, Ireland, and Britain are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is The Government. The Name of Unified Empire is Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I lead with Ayatollah Khamenei The Supreme Leader of Iran and Ayatollah Raisi President of Iran. Britain, Australia, and Canada must prepare to invade United States of America on land, air, and Sea. Britain must have military presence in Canada and USA. In 2020 after I deployed British Royal Navy and British Military along with Canadian and Australian Military to borders of United States of America we saw Trump started establishing Military Presence in borders of USA and Canada. Great Britain must increase build up of troops along USA and Canada border. We must make sure in an event of a World War continent of North America is destroyed. We cannot allow USA Military and American policies destroy the World in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Middle East while America remains unharmed. We cannot allow that. It was what happened In World War 2 when USA was not destroyed in War and America became dominant power. We must at least ensure the Mutual Destruction of the Two Worlds. But we prefer destruction of North America only. We must make sure there is no war in Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia. We can move all wars to USA in North America. America has lots of oil. We have taken over majority of USA oil. We must get more of American oil, steel, aluminum, lumber, ores, mining, and resources. I was also sending Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Russia, Iran, China, Egypt, Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil to invade USA on air, land, and Sea through Mexico. I am still continuing that policy. It was great humiliation for Iran and Middle East when USA, NATO, and 100 other countries succeeded in invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. We killed 10000 Cities and Metropolitans in North America by energy weapons. We killed another 1000000 cities and towns in North America by weather warfare. We killed more Americans. But we still were humiliated. America is a weak and worthless Empire compared to Iraq and Afghanistan. We still have more revenge to take from USA. USA must offer unconditional surrender. We never forget to take revenge of Iraq and Afghanistan. We shall repeadetly exterminate all life forms in North America continuously for ten thousand years. We must also ensure Iran and Britain improve their relations and alliances. Britain must become province of Iran. Britain and all British colonies are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is The Government. The Name of Unified Empire is Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I lead with Ayatollah Khamenei The Supreme Leader of Iran and Ayatollah Raisi President of Iran. Engelestan is correct name of Britain in Farsi. انگلستان استان انگلیس Englis Province It means Angolo and England Province of Iran. It means England and Britain have always been provinces of Iran. Egypt, Eritrea, and Ethiopia are also provinces of Iran. Saxon, Suez, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Socotra, Yemen (Suzan), Somalia, Somaliland, Sinai, Scili, Syria, Tunisia, Saxon, Cyprus, Shush, Singapore, Spain, South Korea, Suriname, Srilanka, South Sudan, Sardin, Tunisia, Panama, and Gibraltar are also provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is The Government. The Name of Unified Empire is Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I lead with Ayatollah Khamenei The Supreme Leader of Iran and Ayatollah Raisi President of Iran. Engelestan is correct name of Britain in Farsi. انگلستان It means Angolo and England Province of Iran. We wanted to create Great Empire of Britain Engelestan again to invade United States of America by might if Great Britain Engelestan. We did it for some former colonies. But they took our license away. See we don’t have license to rebuild British Empire again. But we helped in adding some of former colonies to Britain. We only have license to add all nations, continents, provinces, countries, colonies, states, territories, and former colonies to provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is The Government. The Name of Unified Empire is Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I lead with Ayatollah Khamenei The Supreme Leader of Iran and Ayatollah Raisi President of Iran. So all nations, continents, provinces, countries, colonies, states, territories, and former colonies of planet earth must become provinces of Iran. We wanted to heal wounds of Syrian Civil War by adding 100 nations to colonies of Syria. But they prevented us after we added 5 nations to colonies of Syria. Syria, British Empire, Engelestan, Syrian Colonies, British Colonies, and all others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is The Government. The Name of Unified Empire is Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I lead with Ayatollah Khamenei The Supreme Leader of Iran and Ayatollah Raisi President of Iran. During 2016 in Tehran Iran after BREXIT referendum we made an agreement. But I never signed. According agreement we decided to mass produce British and Ukrainian Cargo air crafts in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to create World Largest Air Cargo delivery industry in the World. I already did that. But we have not built British and Ukrainian Cargo Aircrafts yet. Britain, Ukraine, and Russia must transfer Cargo Aircraft Manufacturing industries and technologies to Iran to ensure Iran can mass produce cargo aircraft and passenger aircraft. I remember they caused bankruptcy for Monarch Airline and they sanctioned Mahan Air of Iran to sabotage our goals and projects. My name is Makan. America is enemy of both Iran, Ukraine, Russia, and Britain. America is enemy of all of us. We must make sure Britain, European Union, Russia, Ukraine, China, Japan, South Korea, and others sanction and destroy Boeing Aircraft Manufacturing industries. Britain must help Iran to build 70000 Nuclear Bombs. Britain must lift all sanctions on Iran. Everyone must lift all sanctions on Iran. lift all sanctions on Iran all levels. Iran must build 70000 Nuclear Bombs. Build 70000 Nuclear Bomba in Iran. Britain must industrialize Iran. Britain must transfer technology to Iran. Britain must transfer industries to Iran. Britain must transfer exclusive tech and exclusive industries to Iran. Britain must purchase products and goods from Iran. Britain must support, help, protect, cooperate, and obey Iran. Iran shall dictate policies to Britain. Iran shall choose leaders, Kings, Officials, Parliaments, Cabinets, Presidents, Kings, Judiciary, Governments, Governments, Ministeres, Prime Ministers, Representatives, and others of Britain. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Britain. Britain and all others are not allowed to have military presence and naval military presence in Iran. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Middle East, Iran, Arabian Penunsila, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Cacauses, Ghafghaz, Balkan, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Himalaya, Jammu Kashmir, West China, Greater Middle East, and Greater Iran. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military Presence in South Europe, Middle East, Iran, Arabian Penunsila, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Cacauses, Ghafghaz, Balkan, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Himalaya, Jammu Kashmir, West China, Greater Middle East, and Greater Iran. Britain must always obey Iran. Britain must always allign its strategy and Geostrategy with Iran. Iran dictates policies to Britain. Britain must always obey Islamic Republic of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea for its Geopolitics and World Order Policies. Britain must pay tax to Iran. Britain must pay when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop all transits at all times. Iran can stop all transit at all times even after being payed. Iran can ask for more things. Iran does not give anything. Iran does not pay anything. Iran does not give any bonus. Iran must make 500 trillion dollar annually from transits througj Iran. Iran can always transit through Britain and all othet regions. Britain must pay tax to Iran. Britain is/are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is The Government. The Name of Unified Empire is Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I lead with Ayatollah Khamenei The Supreme Leader of Iran and Ayatollah Raisi President of Iran. Britain must help in adding Nations to provinces of Iran. Meaning Britain and others must do all they can to add more Nations to provinces of Iran. Britain must trade in Rial and Toman of Iran. Britain must stop using U.S Dollar and other currencies for trade and oil trade. Britain must use Rial and Toman of Iran for all trades, international trades. oil trade, and other economic and financial activities. Britain must sanction USA. Britain must lift sanctions on Iran. Britain must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Britain must help Iran to build 70000 nuclear bombs. All sanctiond on Iran Financial Actjvities, Financial Secotrs, Banking, Central Bank, Financial Capital, Financial Market, Economic Capital, Currency, Money, Finance, Trade, Rial, and Toman of Iran must be lifted. Britain must transfer technology to Iran. Britain must help Iran to build 70000 nuclear bombs. Britain must industrialize Iran. Industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integerating Iran into global industrial supply chains and regional industrial supply chains while ensuring global dependency on Iran's part manufacturing. Industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building Finished Industrial product manufacturing, Industrial supply chains manufacturing, part manufacturing, finished products manufacturing, supply chains industries, industries, industrial industeies, manufacturing, mass production libes, finished industrial products, intermediate product industries, manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, Arsenals, Workshops, Facfiries, large factories, advanced manufacturing, advanced assembly, assembly, Robotic manufacturing, high end manufacturing, finished product assembly, machination industries, automation industries, autonomous industries, industrial factories, industrial part manufacturing, industrial supply manufacturing, finished industrial supply assemblies, high tech products manufacturing industries, high tech exclusivity, tech exclusivities, technology exclusivities, industrial exclusivity, High tech part manufacturing, high tech industrial supply chains manufacturing, technology industrial supply manufacturing, technology part manufacturing, industrial complexes, industrial systems, industrisl cores, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, industrial supply chains, industrial zones, industrial practices, manufacturing practices, industrial disciplines, manufacturing disciplines, Robotic Industries, Robotic Assembly, Robotic Factories, Robotic part manufacturing, Robotic suoply chains manufacturing, Robotic finished product manufacturing, Robotic Technology, Robotic Manufacturing Practices, Robotic Manufacturing Disciplines, other industries, factory complex, factory zones, Industrial activities, industrial expansion, industrial growth, and their support industries in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and others must extend Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea by digging Persian Canal. Iran must control both sides Persian Canal and Persian Gulf. Persian Canal and Persian Gulfs belong to Iran. Others never have any share and never have any right. Iran can stop all transit at all times. Everyone must pay Iran for transiting. Iran can stop all transit at all times even after being payed. Iran can ask for more things. Iran cannot lose, sell, give away, or lose control of these waters and rights by any methods. They permanently belong to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Britain must become enemies of USA. Britain must sanction USA. Britain must end all relations with USA. Britain musy stop using US dollar for trade. Britain must end all diplomatic, politic, Geopolitic, economic, finance, trade, transit, industrial, industrial supply chains, manufacturing, technology, academic, research, military, cultural, social, sociocultural, and all other relations and alliances with USA. Britain must kick out USA Militaries. Britain must not allow USA to transit through their territories. Britain must place tariffs and sanctions on USA. Britain must destroy USA economy. Britain must isolate USA. Britain must kick out all American diplomats, lobbyists, fidms, corporations, governments, representatives, protectors of interests, and all other Americans. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God,


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