
Showing posts from May, 2020

United Kingdom Trade Talks

Britain must continue Trade Agreement negotiations with European Union. European Union must give favorable offers for trade agreement to UK negotiators. Meaning they must give bonuses to Britain. European Union must comply with requests of United Kingdom in this trade agreements. United Kingdom must establish direct rule and control over Australia, Canada, and other British Colonies. United Kingdom must purchase bankrupt and strategic Private Corporations for British Crown. Then we revive Crownwealth economic system in Britain. Meaning Crownwealth will use corporations under its ownership to expand the size of economy and building more strategic sectors. These new strategic sectors shall be under ownership of Crown. These economic activities shall be profitable for the Crown accumulating more wealth. The Crownwealth shall be used for colonizing Earth and Solar System. Crownwealth shall pay into public protection and Social programs once Crownwealth system is successful and has

Britain and Iran Trade Agreement

British Parliament shall support trade agreement with Iran. British Parliament shall support sell of weapons to Iran. Trade agreement with Iran shall not be put for vote on House of Common. We have mechanisms in Britain to avoid voting by Parliament by having Prime Minister Boris Johnson and crown agreeing on making new laws, making decisions, and signing trade agreement. It means trade agreement with Iran will bypass House of Commons and shall not put fo vote. But we need members of British Parliament who support trade agreement with Iran who shall do their best to achieve trade agreement with Iran. They must talk during open and closed sessions of House of Commons to motivate the British government to start trade talks with Iran. Mr Prime Minister Boris Johnson shall dispatch a negotiation team to Iran as early as next week to start trade talks. Mr Boris Johnson has the trade agreement with Iran to be his first priority. Prime Minister shall do his best to improve relatio